Ultimate Guide For Best Web Hosting-What is Web Hosting


Dear friends, today we will know that what is web hosting? Does Web Hosting Work? Types of web hosting and what features it should have? Today we will discuss all these topics. so stay with me till the end

What is Web Hosting? Complete Information

As we all know that today is the age of Internet, the world is becoming digital. And it is known to all that if we need any information, then only in today’s generation we take mist by opening browser in computer or mobile. If something has to be searched, then type that topic in Google Search Engine, and the list of websites of the related topic is presented to us.

Similarly, and if the domain name of the website is known, then by typing in the URL directly and pressing the Enter button, the website will be on the screen in front. Even this information is fine for a general or non-technical user. With this his work will go on.

But when it comes to creating your own blog or website. So we should have further information on this as well. To create a blog, first of all we should know the niche of our blog.

After this, you should choose and buy the domain name. And then you should buy hosting plan. But why web hosting? What is the need of this? The answer is, whatever content we will write, pictures or videos in our blog or website, where will that store be. And who will manage it…? Let us know that – What is Web Hosting?

Short Definition of Web Hosting

Web Hosting Free and Paid is a service by which any website can make available Storing Space (24X7) Online for Content Files like – Texts, Images, Videos etc. on the Web Server. Along with this, other technical facilities are also made available so that the website can be easily available to the user in its content, fast and secure way on the Internet, at the right time.

Just as any computer is known by the name of its processor. Hosting Services is known as its Hosting Server.

Each web hosting company has different plans, and they are priced accordingly. With which the company also includes other features in the plan according to the capacity of the server.

So if we make a blog or website, then we have to take a hosting plan. Which plan to take depends on the requirement of our website. Because the hosting company has plans for a small website or blog to a large e-commerce site. Read Web Hosting Services Wikipedia for more information.

It is very important to choose the right hosting company along with taking the right plan. Because it is not a One Time Buying Product. Our website requires 24 X 7 X 365 performance from a web hosting company.

In such a situation, if the hosting company does not meet according to our purchased plan, then we may suffer loss. Therefore, we should take special care while choosing the hosting company and its plan. What is web hosting now? After knowing this, it is the turn of the web server.

Must Read :

What is web server ?

Server is a computer system of higher capacity, on which Server Software (OS) runs. All the content of the hosting website is saved on it. Through this, computers from all over the world connected on the Internet can get the content of our website online.

As we have known that Web Hosting Company sells each of its plans in the name of the server used in it. Let us know in detail about Web Hosting Plans –

Types of Hosting (Server Based)

The type of hosting is based on the server used on it. And accordingly its price is determined. Which hosting plan should we take in our website or blog, for this it is important to know the types of web hosting. Let us know how many types of web hosting are there –


1. Shared Web Hosting

When many other websites are hosted on your own server along with your website, then it is called Shared Web Hosting. It has been designed for Entry Level Website Owners.

It can be used from personal blog/website to small or medium sized business blog/website. Shared web hosting is the easiest to setup.

But it has Low Traffic Handling Capacity. And that’s why it is the cheapest web hosting service. So if you are starting a blogging or website then this is a suitable option. If traffic increases in the future, you can shift your website or blog to another web hosting. Please Read Shared Web Hosting Service Wikipedia for more information.

Benefits of using Shared Web Hosting
  • Easy Setup Process
  • Ready Made Configuration Process
  • Easy Control Panel
  • Lowest Price
Disadvantages of using Shared Web Hosting
  • Our site is slow load when there is more traffic on other websites hosted on the server.
  • Limited options are available on the server setting.

2. VPS Hosting

Virtual Private Server (VPS) is also called Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS). VPS Hosting is considered better than Shared Hosting.

Actually it is Shared Hosting itself. But in this, each hosting website is given a separate Dedicated Virtual Partition. Due to which even if there is traffic load on other hosted websites, they do not affect our site. So it behaves somewhat like Dedicated Server.

Because in this we also get complete control over the configuration access. VPS hosting is mainly used by those websites or blogs who want to get some important features of dedicated hosting at a low cost. Read Virtual Private Server Wikipedia for more information.

Benefits of using VPS Hosting
  • Dedicated Space is (Virtually) available on the Server.
  • The cost is less than the original dedicated server.
  • Customization setting is available.
  • Server Root Access is available.
  • Traffic load of other host website does not affect our site.
Disadvantages of using VPS Hosting

The price is higher than Shared Hosting.
Knowledge of Server Customization Setting is required.

3. Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated Servers are used in Dedicated Hosting. In this the entire server only hosts your website. In this the server can be completely customized. This is suitable hosting for high traffic website. But its price is much higher than Shared Hosting. In addition, with the help of advanced software, a higher secure environment is available. Again Similarly, Must Read the Dedicated Hosting Service Wikipedia for more information.

Benefits of using Dedicated Hosting
  • Server Root Access is possible.
  • There is complete control over Server Settings and Configuration.
  • Can handle more traffic.
  • Shared and VPS hosting leads to fast content load.
  • High Security Features Available.
  • It’s more reliable.
Disadvantages of Using Dedicated Hosting
  • Its price is higher than Shared and VPS Hosting.
  • Technical expertise is necessary to operate the server.

4. Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is considered to be the most reliable among all Web Hostings. Hosting Provider creates a network by inter-connecting many web servers in it. It is called Cluster of Servers. The content and files of our website are available in the cache memory of each server. So that even if one or two servers are down, our website is not down. Also, features like Unlimited Domain, Infinite Disk Space and Unmetered Bandwidth are provided in it. Read Cloud Hosting Wikipedia for more information.

Benefits of using Cloud Hosting
  • There is no problem of website downtime.
  • There is no effect on the website even if one or two server fails.
  • The price is determined by the bandwidth used, space etc.
Disadvantages of using Cloud Hosting
  • Price cannot be accurately predicted.
  • Root access does not have full control.
  • Generally its services are costly.

6. WordPress Hosting

WordPress Hosting is a type of Shared Hosting Service. It is mainly designed for WordPress website or blog.

In this, the configuration and settings of the server have been made according to the WordPress CMS. In WordPress hosting, features related to WordPress such as WordPress Themes, Plugins, Cashing and Security Settings are already pre-installed.

It provides a highly customized environment in collaboration with WordPress. Due to which WordPress users get suitable hosting service at a low cost.

Benefits of using WordPress Hosting
  • Is User Friendly.
  • Price is less than normal shared hosting.
  • Free and Easy WordPress Installation is available.
  • Pre-Installed Themes and Plugins are available.
  • WordPress Tutorials and Customer Support are available.
Disadvantages of using WordPress Hosting

Suitable only for WordPress sites.
Basic Themes or Plugins are Free. But for premium service, extra fee has to be paid.
WordPress CMS, WordPress Themes and WordPress Plugins have to be updated regularly.

What features should be in Perfect Web Hosting?

  • Uptime Guarantee : The uptime of a good hosting server should be above 99%.
  • Server Location : Hosting Server Location should be near to Target Audion’s.
  • Bandwidth : Our chosen hosting plan should have sufficient bandwidth. So that even when the traffic is high, media files like photos, videos can be easily loaded.
  • Files Access Approval : Pre or Easy Files Access Approval should be obtained through Hosting Plans. So that you can make necessary modifications on the files if needed. Such as – FTP, MySQL, .htaccess, SSH, PHP etc.
  • Control Panel Dashboard : So that you can update your daily essentials yourself. Email Address, Account Password and other Server Configurations and Settings etc. can be done by yourself without any external technical service.
  • Multiple Domain Hosting : So that more than one domain can be hosted on the same hosting plan.
  • Price: Web hosting should have a competitive price. So that you can Afford it for Long Term.
  • Security Consideration : Your hosting should have adequate features of website security. So that your site can be protected from hackers or other unsafe access.
  • Backup Support : Your hosting should have the option of your Site Backup. So that if there is any problem, then you can restore the old backup.
  • Mobile Access : Access must be available on mobile devices.
  • Email on Domain : Email Support should be available through Hosting Service so that you can use Professional Email of your domain. e.g. support@yourdomain.com
  • Good Online Reviews : Your hosting company should have a good brand value. And there should be good reviews or ratings by the users already using it.
  • Industry Experience : Nowadays new companies are opening every day. In such a situation, if the web hosting service is closed after two years for some reason, then their customers suffer a lot. Therefore, only old and experienced web hosting should be chosen.
  • Number of Customers : Your hosting company should have more number of customers. This helps in assessing its successful products.
  • Customer/Technical Support : Your hosting service should have 24X7 customer support available through a trained and professional team.

How and where to buy web hosting?

By the way, many companies providing hosting service have come in the market. But it is not like a One Time Using Product. We have already discussed how important it is to choose the right hosting.

Therefore, the hosting company should have all the features mentioned above. According to my research the top 5 companies of my choice of hosting are –

1st Choice – Bluehost : Click here to see its various plans and features.

2nd Choice – Hostgator : Click here to see its various plans and features.

3rd Choice – Milesweb : Click here to see its various plans and features.

4th Choice – Hostinger : Click here to see its various plans and features.

5th Choice – A2-Hosting : Click here to see its various plans and features.

And let me tell you one good information that the option of Free Domain is available to the new user in Bluehost and Hostinger. So you can search your desired domain name by visiting the given link.

Conclusion  “What is Web Hosting?”

What is Web Hosting? How it works ? Types of Web Hosting? And what features should be in Perfect Web Hosting? is explained step by step point wise. Hope you like this post “What is Web Hosting? ” would have liked. But still, if there is any doubt, then definitely ask in the comment box. If you found this information useful, then share it with your friends. Thank you. Have a Nice Day.

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