What is Blogging ? How to start your own Blog ?

Hello Friends,
If you don’t know that, what is Blog, Blogging, Blogger and how to use it, then you’ve come to the right place. In the beginning, a blog was more of a personal diary that people shared online, and it goes back to 1994. In this online journal, you could talk about your daily life or share things you do. But, people saw an opportunity to communicate any information in a new way. So began the beautiful world of blogging. Also you can earn money, if you have a blog and you are doing blogging.
To know more details about Blog, Blogging, Blogger and if you have to learn, then read the all contents below.

A lot of users want to know that we should be given complete and detailed information about Blogging, so that they can start their blog and their blogging career. So friends, I will give you complete information about Blogging, And how to make money from Blogging.

If you want to get complete information about blogging and how to start your own blog, then visit on this my website www.computermeans.com from time to time, and more and more Gather information about blogging. Then according to that information start your blogging career and your blog and start earning through your blog. I will tell this topic to you through different posts. So let’s start friends. Know this topic and first of all,

What is a Blog ?


Friends, as you know, a good place or a platform is needed to make information accessible to people, from where people can easily get information about that thing. Similarly,

Blog is a platform where you can express your knowledge in your own words and can inform your users about that thing. Whatever subject you have good knowledge about, you can start your own blog related to that topic, and can give information to your users.
Friends, in this post I will tell you what things you will need to start your blog and how you can get those things.

If you are just starting your blogging career, then I will give you the opinion that you should not think of investing too much in the beginning. If you want, you can start your blogging career for free. And when you feel that your blog is going very well, then if you want, you can make your blog even more well by investing in it. So these are some things that are very necessary for you to start a blog.

(1) Name of Blog or Domain Name :

Domain name is actually name of your blog. Choose your blog name or domain name according to your niche.
First you register a Domain Name
If you want, you can create your blog for free on Blog spot. But I will not advise you to make your blog on Blog spot for free. Because if you start your blog in Blog-spot, then there are many restrictions in it so that you will not be able to run your blog well.

(2) Web Hosting

Web hosting is where you will publish your articles, photos and files. From where any user can view, read and download the posts, photos and tiles of your website. For web hosting, I will tell you about two types of web hosting here, of which the first web hosting is absolutely free. Which gives you a Blog spot, read this post about how you will setup free web hosting on Blog spot.

And other 2nd hosting in which you may have to invest a little bit. Nowadays, many websites offer online hosting that you can get from ₹ 150 to ₹ 200 a month. You can take paid hosting of any company and start your own blog. So friends, in this task of blogging, our two important points have been completed, let’s move towards the third point.

Blogging Platforms

On which platform should you make your blog articles public, and which platform is the best. To start blogging, friends, if you have taken free hosting, then Blogger gives you two things at the same time. First free hosting, second blogging platform. That is, if you are using free hosting in Blog spot, then you do not need to take any separate blogging platform.

And if you are taking tree hosting then you have to install blogging platform in your hosting. The best blogging platform is WordPress. WordPress is available for free. You install WordPress in your hosting. If you want to learn how to install WordPress in hosting then read this post. How to install WordPress After that you can set the basic things you need in WordPress. For example, if you name your blog, URL of the blog and make some settings, then your blogging platform is ready. So let’s go ahead now.

Article or Post Publishing and Writing

When you set up your blog, then the next most important thing in it is your articles. Whatever topic you are writing an article about. First, get complete information about that topic. If you want, you can read different blogger’s opinion by searching about that topic in Google. And then you can make your article by reading all those topics. Keep in mind that you should not copy the article from anywhere. Whatever you write, write in your words, write according to your knowledge. Do not copy articles from any other blog from anywhere.

When you start your blog, keep continuously putting articles in your block. Do not do this by putting 5-7 in 1 day and sit silent for 1 to 2 months, and then again stop putting articles again by putting 8-10 articles together, never do this. Whenever you start your blog, definitely publish an article in it continuously for 7 to 10 days.

Publish your articles one by one and keep publishing continuously. So that your visitors (visitors) feel that you are constantly bringing new information. And your visitors kept visiting your blog continuously. Which will increase the visitors of your blog.

So friends, these were four important things to start blogging. If you start your blog or blogging career keeping these four things in mind, then you can make your blog very popular in future. And you can also earn from this blog.

If you like this information, then do not forget to share it with your friends.

Dear Friends,
If you have any question related to starting blogging, then do not forget to comment in the comment box below. I will do my best to reply to your comment. And will help you in every way to start your blogging career.
Thank You…..& Have a Great Day.

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