What is Characteristics of Computer ?

In this post, what is the specialty of computer we will talk about – Characteristics of Computer in Hindi? Will learn about this. Hopefully, we do not need to introduce you to the computer, because we all use it in daily life to send emails, play games, and type documents.

Understanding its basic working, computer: Processes the input data according to the commands given by the user and displays the result as output. We all know that computer is one of the greatest inventions in the field of technology.

Behind its becoming a great electronic device, the quality or feature of the computer has a great contribution. The features of the computer have been described further in the post, which you can read in detail.

Let us identify the major characteristics of computer. These can be discussed under the headings of speed, accuracy, diligence, versatility and memory.


As you know computer can work very fast. It takes only few seconds for calculations that we take hours to complete. Suppose you are asked to calculate the average monthly income of one thousand persons in your neighborhood. For this you have to add income from all sources for all persons on a day to day basis and find out the average for each one of them. How long will it take for you to do this? One day, two days or one week?
Do you know your small computer can finish this work in few seconds? The weather forecasting that you see every day on TV is the results of compilation and analysis of huge amount of data on temperature, humidity, pressure, etc. of various places on computers. It takes few minutes for the computer to process this huge amount of data and give the result.
You will be surprised to know that computer can perform millions (1,000,000) of instructions and even more per second.
Therefore, we determine the speed of computer in terms of microsecond (10 part of a second) or nano-second (10 part of a second). From this you can imagine how fast your computer performs work.


The accuracy of the results obtained from computer mainly depends on the method of programming & the ways the result are interpreted. In computer the accuracy of calculation is very high. It can depict large fractional values very accurately. Suppose some one calculates faster but commits a lot of errors in computing. Such result is useless.
There is another aspect. Suppose you want to divide 15 by 7. You may work out up to 2 decimal places and say the dividend is 2.14. I may calculate up to 4 decimal places and say that the result is 2.1428. Some one else may go up to 9 decimal places and say the result is 2.142857143.
Hence, in addition to speed, the computer should have accuracy or correctness in computing. The degree of accuracy of computer is very high and every calculation is performed with the same accuracy. The accuracy level is determined on the basis of design of computer.
Calculation performed by a computer is fully error free, the errors may be either due to inappropriate data provided by operator, or logical mistakes by the programmer.


The Computer has an in-built memory where it can store a large amount of data. You can also store data in secondary storage devices such as floppies, which can be kept outside your computer and can be carried to other computers.
Storage Capacity

4 bits…….1 Nibble
8 bits….1 byte
1024 bytes …….. .1 KB (kilobyte)
1024 Kilobytes ….. .1 MB (Megabyte)
1024 Megabytes……..1 GB (Gigabyte)
1024 Gigabytes ……….1 TB (Terabyte)
1024 Terabytes ………..1 PB (petabyte)
1024 Petabytes ……….1 EB (Exabyte)
1024 Exabytes………..1ZB (Zettabyte)


A computer is free from tiredness, lack of concentration, fatigue, etc. It can work continuously without being tired unlike human beings. It can do repeated work with same speed and accuracy. This property of computer overrides human being.


The computer is very much flexible or versatile in performing the jobs provided to it. It means the capacity to perform completely different type of work. At one moment it can prepare payroll slips, account statement, electric bills and in another it can be used to draft a letter. It can instruct the printer to print a design. This means it can perform all the jobs, the instructions of which can be logically serialized. They can perform activities ranging from simple calculations to performing complex CAD modeling and simulation to navigating missiles and satellites.


The level of automation achieved in a computer is phenomenal. It will be able to execute the prop correct sequence, It can switch on/off the machines at the appropriate time, It can monitor the on parameters, It can send warning signals or take corrective actions if the parameters exceed the contre and so on.


Most computers today have the capability of communicating with other computers. We can connect two more computers by a communication device such as modem. These computers can share data, instructions and information. The connected computer are called network.


Computer has the power of storing any amount of information or data. Any information can be stored and recalled as long as you require it, for any numbers of years. It depends entirely upon you how much data you want to store in a computer and when to lose or retrieve these data.

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