What is WordPress ? How to Create a Website on WordPress ?


Hello friends,

Today I am going to tell you about what is WordPress, its benefits and how it works and how to make money online through it.

What is WordPress ?

WordPress is the popular Content Management System (CMS) in the world.
It is an online open source website creator tool, designed in Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) Language.
This is a great way to create a website or blog for non-tech people. Because no programming language or any kind of coding is required to use it.
WordPress was launched on 27 May 2003 by Matt Mullenweg. WordPress is an open source software used to create online websites. WordPress is built on the basis of PHP and my SQL, which easily manages the all contents.Today’s 30% and more people are using WordPress in the world. It is fully free software.
Like WordPress there are many CMS like Joomla, Druple, Tumblr etc. But still WordPress is the most popular CMS and is also user friendly.
Since WordPress is an Open Source project, thousands of volunteers all over the world are constantly upgrading the code of WordPress and making it much better by improving its code. Apart from this, thousands of plugins, widgets, and themes are available that help you to create any type of website that you can imagine.

What is the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org?

If we talk about a simple difference then let’s understand some of its key differentiates.

•  WordPress.org can be easily customized, while WordPress.com cannot be customized
•  WordPress.org is completely self-hosted, whereas WordPress.com is not.

WordPress.com vs WordPress.org

Now let’s understand the difference between them.

1. In WordPress.org you get a full domain, whereas in WordPress.org you get only one sub-domain.

For your information, let me tell you that Sub-domain is a part of main domain. For example, our site’s domain name is computermeans.com Then, if i want to create a sub-domain whose name will be Tech, then its domain name will be Tech.computermeans.com, now you must have understood about its difference. So when you go to WordPress.com and sign up, you will get a domain name yig statě: Blogname.WordPress.com
At the same time, when you sign up by going to WordPress.org, you get a domain name: Blogname.com

2. WordPress.com has many limitations, while WordPress.org does not have

WordPress.com where there are only 100 free themes to choose from, while WordPress.org (self-hosted) has this number more than 1500. Is more. The same applies to plugins and other add-ons.
Also, WordPress.com tells you to limit the size of your blog, while there is no such restriction in WordPress.org.

3. Where you own your contents on WordPress.org, there is no such thing in WordPress.com, as you have heard right, WordPress.com owns all your contents. So if they do not find it right then they can stop it. This is why they are free.

4. Search Engine gives more importance to WordPress.org than WordPress.com If you are serious about Blogging and want to spend your time in it, then WordPress.org is the best for you. Because Search.org gives more importance to WordPress.org. Compared to WordPress.com.

How to make website on WordPress ?

In earlier times it used to happen if anyone. If you want to create a website, then you had to take the help of a web developer or if you want to build it yourself, then you have to have knowledge of coding, because there was no CMS at that time. Therefore, website development also used to take a lot of time and a lot of knowledge was also required.
But then came the era of CMS and it became increasingly popular among the users, because with the help of CMS you can easily create a good website in very little knowledge. WordPress is considered the most user friendly in CMS. In this, you do not need to do coding for anything.
In WordPress, you get themes, pages, plugins all made, you just have to install them and use them properly. On WordPress, you can easily create any website and also customize it. With the help of WordPress, you can easily create the best website.
With the help of WordPress, you can easily create and customize even the biggest websites like Online Shopping, Education, Travel, Management etc. In WordPress, there are different themes and plugins for each website, which you can use and make your website.

Why use WordPress ?

Here we will know about the theme of WordPress, which makes it better than others.

1. Open Source :

The most important thing about WordPress is that it is Open Source CMS that anyone can use easily. You can also Modify and Distribute the code in it. You do not need any kind of license to use it.

2. More User Friendly :

WordPress is very user friendly and easy to use. You do not have to be a developer to use it. You can create a website in WordPress without any coding knowledge. Proper instruction has been given for everything in it, so that the user can easily understand about it.

3. Inbuilt SEO :

Inbuilt SEO facility is the most important thing about WordPress, it also has inbuilt SEO facility. SEO is very important for both a developer and blogger to rack up their website. With the help of Youst SEO plugin in WordPress, you can do SEO of your website easily. It has the facility of Keyword, Meta Discription, SEO Title, Tags etc.

4. There is a low cost:

You do not have to spend much to build a website in WordPress. By the way, it has given many things for free, you only have to buy Hosting and Domain only. In this, you can create a site like Online Shopping in 10 to 15 thousand. If you go to the developer, he will charge you a lot more.

5. Most Sites use WordPress CMS

You must have noticed that nowadays most bloggers are using WordPress and some have also migrated their blogger’s blog to WordPress. According to a report, 30% of people around the world use WordPress. With so many users, WordPress is a very popular and reliable CMS.

6. Plugins have a lot of option

Plugins are the most special thing in WordPress. Creating contact form, preparing online shoping site is the most important role of plugins.

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