What is Types of Computer ?

Types of computers-Difference Between Analog, Digital and Hybrid Computer

On the basis of the usage of data computers can be classified as :

  • Analog computer.
  • Digital computer.
  • Hybrid computer.

1. What is Analog Computer

A computer or computational device in which the problem variables are represented as continuous, varying physical quantities. An analog computer implements  a model of the system being studied. The physical form of the analog may be functionally similar to that of the system, but more often the analogy is based solely upon the mathematical equivalence of the interdependence of the computer variables and the variables in the physical system.

2. What is Digital Computer

A digital computer is an electronic computing machine that uses the binary digits (bits) o and 1 to represent all forms of information internally in digital form. Every computer has a set of instructions that define the basic functions it can perform. Sequences of these instructions constitute machine-language programs that can be stored in the computer and used to tailor it to an essentially unlimited number of specialized applications. What is Mechanical and Electrical Calculator ?

3. What is Hybrid Computer

A computer which is a combination of analog and digital computer systems is called as hybrid computer a hybrid computer uses analog-to-digital conversion and digital-to-analog conversion, and may input or output either analog or digital data. The digital component normally serves as the controller and provides logical operations, while the analog component normally serves as a solver of differential equation. One use for these computers is in robotics,  ECG in hospitals, control the air traffic and radar of national defence.

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